Monday, May 16, 2011

More like straight from his undies...

So, we started off the morning with great excitement in the donning of Keller's new underwear.  Spongebob of course!  He's only two and half...sigh.   Excitedly he put them on all by himself.  We used the potty twice this morning with great success and thrills.  Potty dance and all.  He gave me several sincere promises of using the potty all day long.  Off we go with our usual tasks, me cleaning, him playing the Wii. Educational huh! However, he's very good for a 2 yr old.  He can even create his own Mii.  Love him!

After about an hour or so, I completely forgot that we were in undies today and well, so did he. I hear this "uh" and a giggle.  I ran in the playroom to see him smiling and saying "I pee pee, I pee pee."  Lovely...I think we'll try potty training another day.  Back to diapers. :(   
Quick change and back to the Wii.

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