Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Graduation Day

We have graduated PreK!  Well, not that I had anything to do with it other than getting her up and getting her to school!  However, Jordan had the best time ever at school this year.  She never fussed about getting up early for school.  Each time she would jump up, get dressed and happily bounce out the door.  More importantly, she made her very first best friend, Lauren.  And thank you Lauren for now my daughter does whatever "Lauren" does, ha ha.   If Lauren didn't go to computer that day then neither did Jordan.  If Lauren ate PBJ sandwiches for lunch well Jordan now wanted PBJ sandwiches for lunch.  By the way, I could NEVER get her to eat a PBJ sandwich.   And of course Lauren is playing tennis this summer.  Well guess what Jordan wants to do this summer????  Now I love that she has a bestie but this what I'm in for?   Does Mommy have no more influence? What happened to my little independent, bossy but very sweet little girl?  I'm guessing this means she's a follower and not a leader.   Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I think I too was a follower at least with my friends.  My sisters would say I'm a leader or a control freak!   Either way, I'm so thrilled for my precious baby girl.  She's grown so much this year.  She's not nearly as shy and I see her young lady personality come out more and more each day.  I'm so proud of you Jordan.  I love you more than life and I wish you the best, always!!  My baby girl is growing up...


  1. Hey, it's Alexia - my daughter just graduated preschool to and moving onto kindergarten. Your blog is cute!

  2. They grow up so fast! So much faster than when
    we were kids.... Congrats to Jordan..... She
    is such a big girl now and really cute in her
    cap and gown.
