Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Graduation Day

We have graduated PreK!  Well, not that I had anything to do with it other than getting her up and getting her to school!  However, Jordan had the best time ever at school this year.  She never fussed about getting up early for school.  Each time she would jump up, get dressed and happily bounce out the door.  More importantly, she made her very first best friend, Lauren.  And thank you Lauren for now my daughter does whatever "Lauren" does, ha ha.   If Lauren didn't go to computer that day then neither did Jordan.  If Lauren ate PBJ sandwiches for lunch well Jordan now wanted PBJ sandwiches for lunch.  By the way, I could NEVER get her to eat a PBJ sandwich.   And of course Lauren is playing tennis this summer.  Well guess what Jordan wants to do this summer????  Now I love that she has a bestie but this what I'm in for?   Does Mommy have no more influence? What happened to my little independent, bossy but very sweet little girl?  I'm guessing this means she's a follower and not a leader.   Not that there's anything wrong with that.  I think I too was a follower at least with my friends.  My sisters would say I'm a leader or a control freak!   Either way, I'm so thrilled for my precious baby girl.  She's grown so much this year.  She's not nearly as shy and I see her young lady personality come out more and more each day.  I'm so proud of you Jordan.  I love you more than life and I wish you the best, always!!  My baby girl is growing up...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kiss Me Long???

Lots of kissing in the house these days.  A few weeks back, Jordan comes up and says "Kiss me mommy."  So I lean in and she says "No, turn your head like this (as she leans her head to the side) and kiss me like on TV."   What!!!????    I tell her she's silly and kiss her straight on, ha ha and we move on.

So, last night she comes to me and says "I want a kiss mommy."  I lean in and she gets a kiss and immediately says, "No mommy, kiss me long."   What???!!!!   

Since she's so darn cute and only five, I think I'll leave the "talking to" for next year!!!
One of our many, many, many kisses...

Monday, May 16, 2011

More like straight from his undies...

So, we started off the morning with great excitement in the donning of Keller's new underwear.  Spongebob of course!  He's only two and half...sigh.   Excitedly he put them on all by himself.  We used the potty twice this morning with great success and thrills.  Potty dance and all.  He gave me several sincere promises of using the potty all day long.  Off we go with our usual tasks, me cleaning, him playing the Wii. Educational huh! However, he's very good for a 2 yr old.  He can even create his own Mii.  Love him!

After about an hour or so, I completely forgot that we were in undies today and well, so did he. I hear this "uh" and a giggle.  I ran in the playroom to see him smiling and saying "I pee pee, I pee pee."  Lovely...I think we'll try potty training another day.  Back to diapers. :(   
Quick change and back to the Wii.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pete & Repeat in Key Largo, FL

Looking at old pics today and found this cute video.  Keller's got the SNL head bob going on and copies everything his sister does.  Love them too much!! Living it up at Gilbert's in Key Largo!!  July 2010

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not so funny now, huh?

So I start this blog to document my hilarious kids and now they haven't hardly said a word, ha ha   I guess it's all about me today, really???   Here are my three goals for this month:
1.  Lose 10 lbs  - I have my 20 yr reunion next month
2.  Potty train my two year old, hahahahahahahahahah
3.  Get my annual exam

I think I'll just go have a bowl of ice cream and call it a day!

Come see what Avon has to offer at !  I sell Avon too, I'm multi-talented like that! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Ok, so my boy is easily tricked! Ha!  He went shopping with my husband and even at two, he knows what Mommy has in the bag.  :)    While my daughter and husband were wrapping my gifts.  I said to my son, "Did Daddy get me some earrings or a necklace or a watch?"  He quickly says, "Daddy got you a watch."    Thanks sweetheart!  I know who my buddy is now.  ha ha     It has been a great Mother's Day.  We went to church early this morning and then met my extended family for lunch.   Now my husband is making us a nice dinner and all is quiet in the house.  I'm truly blessed to have such wonderful kids!  And the Mavericks just swept the Lakers.   Life is good!   God is good!    Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!
My insider!! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Great comment for my first blog...

So I had this great idea to start blogging about my kids, things we do, places we visit, our favorite things and most of all the down right funny and shocking things they say.  And well...straight from my daughter's mouth, she basically tells me I'm on the computer too much.  :(     At her preschool this week, the kids made Mother's Day cards.  I see three drawings, one of me being fancy in a dress, one of her and I together and one other.  I asked her about the one of her and I together to which she replied, "This is what we do together".  I asked her what we were doing together.   She shocked me by saying, "That's you on your computer.  You're always on your computer."  Ok, so much for starting a blog! ha ha    I will now blog only when she is at school or in bed.   Talk about feeling like a computer loser!!  I tell you, kids are so honest.  And I thank her for that. I hope you enjoy my children's words of wisdom and get a laugh or two as I do everyday.  I love my life and wouldn't want it any other way. 
If they are doing this...I'll be doing this!