Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tail Feathers

While on vacation this past week my kids were arguing and fussing with my Mom in the backseat.  And she says to them, "You're ruffling my tail feathers!"   Of course Jordan doesn't forget a thing so the next day when they go at it again, she looks at my Mom and asks, "Are we ruffling your tail feathers?"   Giggling she continues to ask where they are and my Mom says "Oh, they are tucked in my pants."  We laugh and then my sweet little two year old who talks jibberish most of the time, looks right at her and says clearly "Can I see them?"   We bursted out laughing.  Just when everyone says he can't talk normal he proves them wrong and shows them just how smart he is!!  Love my babies, they keep me laughing everyday!
Tail Rufflers!

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