Saturday, December 3, 2011

Who doesn't love Mark Cuban? Go Mavericks!!

For those of us that live in the DFW area, we all know who Mark Cuban is and most certainly that he's the owner of the Dallas Mavericks.  Well recently my writer friend, Jeff Rivera, allowed me to post his interview with Mark Cuban in regards to his new book and his advice to mom-peneurs on how to start their own business.  Being a mommy who would love to have her own business, I was happy to hear what he had to say.  I'm also giving away two Landmark movie tickets for my readers that click on the following link and check out Mark's new adventure at HDNet Movies Kid Scene.  

I on the other hand, am hoping I'll get Mavs tickets from Mark! Ha Ha   I hope you enjoy the interview and perhaps read his book.  Here's what Mark had to say during his interview with Jeff:

One of my favorite parts of your book, How to Win at the Sport of Business, that completely broke my heart was when your ex-secretary robbed your first company of over $83,000, leaving you only $2000 after a year of work.  If there are moms out there that have lost everything, what advice do you have for them to pick themselves back up?

Keep working. Don’t feel sorry for yourself because it won’t do any good.

There are many young moms who are just beginning their lives and can relate to
you when
you said you were sharing a small apartment with 6 people and
sleeping on the floor.  How can someone keep their eye on the prize when they’re
living on Ramen noodles?

Who cares how you are living today? I loved every minute of living in
that dump. The low rent and utilities and eating Mac n’ Cheese all
the time allowed me to afford the startup of my business. Instead of
paying myself much, I could put it in to my business.

There are many mommies out there that dream of creating their own business
but haven't a clue where to start. What
advice do you have for them?

Find something you love to do, can do on your own and doesn’t require
any more capital than you can afford to lose personally. The most
valuable asset you have is your time, talents and ability to
communicate. Focus on those strengths and what you can do rather than
what you can’t do.

You were offered many opportunities to publish
your book traditionally by the major publishing houses but you were quoted as saying that you didn’t like the financial risk model that most publishing deals would offer you. Why?

Time is the most valuable asset I have. The amount of time required to give the publishers a chance to make their money back wasn’t  worth the money to me.  My preference was to put out
an eBook on my own terms and see how it did and what I could learn.  Based on this education, I will be a lot smarter about what I do next.

You have a fanbase of millions. And you have encouraged them to email you their thoughts on
your book.  What kind of feedback have you been receiving?

100% positive. I’ve been shocked by how quickly people have bought the book and read it.

Where can we get a copy of your eBook, How to Win at the Sport of Business?
Anywhere eBooks are sold: Amazon,, and sites that support independent bookstores too.

My future Dallas Maverick!